Cornerstone General Contractors
Anchorage, AK
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Wasilla Public Library
Wasilla, AK
Cornerstone was awarded this community project through a competitive Best Value (qualifications and pricing) process. Upon selection, we helped the Design Team to complete the design, and we then completed follow-on construction. The new 25,000 SF library features a main library with stack areas for… Read More
Cornerstone General Contractors designed, engineered, tested, fabricated, delivered, installed, and guaranteed the exterior Unitized Curtain Wall (UCW) system, which provides an air- and watertight enclosure of the building and an uninterrupted exterior weather seal, interior air seal, and pressure-… Read More
Modern interior finishes like these staggered hardwood ceilings can be found throughout the new 25,000sf Wasilla Public Library.
Modern interior finishes like these staggered hardwood ceilings can be found throughout the new 25,000sf Wasilla Public Library.
The new 25,000sf Wasilla Public Library features an outdoor amphitheater.
Cornerstone General Contractors assisted the Design Team to complete the design for the Wasilla Public Library and then completed follow-on construction.