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About Us
The Society for Marketing Professional Services (SMPS) is a diverse community of marketing and business development professionals working together to move the A/E/C industries forward. We believe in Business Transformed Through Marketing Leadership. In fact, today’s most dynamic and successful A/E/C firms have realized the important balance between sellers and doers, between marketing and business development, and have used this important distinction to their advantage. Through networking, educational opportunities, and industry-leading research, SMPS members gain a competitive advantage in positioning their firms successfully in the marketplace. On top of that, SMPS offers its members ongoing professional development, leadership opportunities, and marketing resources to advance their careers. SMPS is the only organization dedicated to creating business opportunities in the A/E/C industry. Companies large and small are able to tap into our powerful national and regional network to form partnerships, secure business referrals, and benchmark performance. In 1973, a small group of ambitious professional services firm leaders recognized the need to sharpen skills, pool resources, and work together to build their businesses. And SMPS was born. Today, SMPS represents a dynamic network of more than 7,000 marketing and business development professionals from architectural, engineering, planning, interior design, construction, and specialty consulting firms located throughout the United States and Canada. As the business world and built environment continue to evolve, SMPS and its members will be steadfast in staying ahead of the curve. And continuing to transform the way A/E/C firms do business.
625 N. Washington St. Ste. 302, Alexandria, VA 22314
Provides services nationwide